Starting a business requires the know know of the industry of interest, money, time and patience but for some reason when it comes to the music industry instant gratification seems to run the gamut. Songwriter, singers, producers or artists all want to go from learner to earner in a short period of time without taking time to embrace the necessary skills and education to build a solid foundation. It does not matter what you want to do in the industry because learning all aspects of the business will ensure you are in it for the long haul and can sustain a livelihood in your passion. Take the time to meet people who can help you, take the time to learn and stay present in the journey.
If you are interested in finding a new tribe of like-minded people and you think you have what it takes to bring a unique skill to the table, I invite you to apply to join the Billboard 500 Club. This road is not for the weary or faint of heart. Learn how to treat this like a business and stay in the game long enough to make change happen in your music life.