I heard a story recently about an artist who thought her big powerful voice will be enough to help her move along in her career. She was able to get a recording contract but her label wanted her to write songs. She had some difficulty in song structure but with a little help, she succeeded and continues to be a success. Truth is, many artist are given the opportunity or eventually desire the piece of the pie that gives them the opportunity to write. Likewise, many writers find themselves having to also sing their creations and record them for others to hear or appreciate. They don’t have to be great in singing but usually can carry a tune. With this in mind, the goal is bringing attention to the art. New artist and new songwriters both benefit from building a fan base. At this point, there is no desire to sell downloads or marketing anything in great amounts but just getting the social love will make the creator feel sense of accomplishment and appreciation. If you are a new songwriter, one of the best ways to get yourself “out there” is connecting to social media. I will admit there is a trick and a craft to social posting but being consistent with your craft allows for development and discovery. Social trackers like content so be yourself and share with the world.