Know Your Zone in Goal Setting

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When it comes to getting your goals checked off the list, you must go through a series of
internal zones, and you may not even be aware of them. Before I talk about a few of the zones you will move through, I want you to think about the last time you set and accomplished a goal. Was the goal easy and familiar or strange and hard? If you have had a challenging or hard goal recently, I want you to think about the pain you experienced in the process. That pain was probably not of a physical nature, but it was painful because change always is.

Humans and other living things have zones. Comfort zone is what is known or familiar and does not usually have any stress at all. Like doing what you well. If it works, you have no interest in changing or modifying it. You feel like an expert in that area. When you are attempting to learn something new and you are considering a change in behavior or evaluating if this new goal is obtainable, you start gathering information about it. I call this the learning zone. You are still in the safety of your comfort zone, but you are considering a change, and you are testing things out. This is the first step in movement. The struggle comes in when you fight with your fear of change and your motivation to change. Hopefully you can push past the fear and just try. Remember failure is essential to growth and you cannot expect to get it right the first time. It might take several times to get the goal accomplished but keep pushing past your fears, keep reinventing your strategy and have faith that you will make it to the finish line.