The Top Self Talk Tricks

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Believe it or not, when you talk internally, positive or negative, it manifests itself in the natural. If you say I will never learn how to speak Spanish, your right. If you say I will be the best drummer in my music community, you are also right. The reason this is true is because your inner communication sets in motion things that make whatever you say happen. Have you ever gotten out on to the highway to go to work and said to yourself “I bet the traffic is going to make me late” and you get out there and sure enough, someone caused an accident? Although this doesn’t have a habit of happening every time the main take away is to make sure you are consistent in your positivity because if you focus too much on the negativity, it is drawn to you. Ask yourself these questions:

What are you saying to yourself?

What are thinking about yourself and your abilities?

Do you have the ability to stick to whatever goals you have set for yourself?

Are you patient with yourself and accept that you don’t know everything?

When you fail, do you pick yourself up and try again?

When you have a negative thought or experience, do you know how to make it positive?

Acknowledge that some things you do are hard. Learning how to play an instrument, learning a new language or trying a new business all have significant challenges. If you are going to grow from the experiences, you have to celebrate the good times and the struggles. Finding a positive light in the midst of what might feel like darkness will help you increase your skill and awareness in a positive way and those difficult tasks will get easier. I promise.